SJ Price

SJ Price

Position: Partner
SJ Price:
Categories: AI Advisory, Corporate Advisory, Crypto & Digital Assets, Cybersecurity, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations, Digital Identity, Digitalisation, Privacy & Data Rights, Regulatory, Smart Legal Contracts, Space Law

SJ is uniquely positioned to lead our AI Advisory Practice through her real-world experience managing the development and implementation of machine learning applications in the resources sector.

She has over 20 years’ legal experience in international resources companies, including leading the legal work for multi-billion dollar megaprojects, M&A deals and as legal manager for operations in Asia.  Her leadership experience includes both project and operational leadership teams together with founding and leading global multidisciplinary innovation teams.

SJ’s comprehensive understanding of ML, digitisation and industry experience enables her to provide insightful, practical advice on AI.

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Stirling & Rose is an end-to-end corporate law advisory service for the lawyers, the technologists, the founders, and the policy makers.

We specialise in providing corporate advisory services to emerging technology companies.

We are experts in artificial intelligence, digital assets, smart legal contracts, regulation, corporate fundraising, AOs/DAOs, space, quantum, digital identity, robotics, privacy and cybersecurity.

When you pursue new frontiers, we bring the legal infrastructure.

Want to discuss the digital future?

Get in touch at | 1800 178 218