Jenny Kiss

Jenny Kiss

Position: Expertise Counsel
Categories: AI Advisory, Corporate Advisory, Crypto & Digital Assets, Digitalisation, Regulatory

Jenny is an experienced General Counsel and Senior Executive with over 30 years’ expertise in law, governance and strategic corporate advisory in the private and public sectors including in energy, transport and infrastructure markets.

Jenny has deep experience with boards and implementing major legal projects across industries and rights for Indigenous Australians.

Specialising in emerging tech law and legal risk management, Jenny guides the transformation of companies and the public sector with traditional business operations to be more tech-savvy.

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Stirling & Rose is an end-to-end corporate law advisory service for the lawyers, the technologists, the founders, and the policy makers.

We specialise in providing corporate advisory services to emerging technology companies.

We are experts in artificial intelligence, digital assets, smart legal contracts, regulation, corporate fundraising, AOs/DAOs, space, quantum, digital identity, robotics, privacy and cybersecurity.

When you pursue new frontiers, we bring the legal infrastructure.

Want to discuss the digital future?

Get in touch at | 1800 178 218